About Me

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A little about me is that I enjoy playing basketball, softball, swimming, fencing, gymnastics and many other sports. I love to hang out with my friends, and to just have fun. My hope is to some day travel the world as an archeologist, and see the wonders every place has to offer.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I know in our life times we've all had that one roommate that we all absolutely despise but can't kick out because they help pay for the rent but I really wish this one person would just find a replacement and leave. After all even she can tell we are annoyed with her. Which brings me to the point that we should all go with our first judgment when it comes to living with people and that is if you don't think its going to work out it probably isn't. However, as long as she continues to pay rent on time I there is not much we can do about it. Some times I wish I was back at home in my own room (well my actual roommate is pretty cool) with just me and my mom in the house since my sister was always out, but then I remember that it was my choice to come here and for all the annoyance that is my roommate I really do love it out here.

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