About Me

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A little about me is that I enjoy playing basketball, softball, swimming, fencing, gymnastics and many other sports. I love to hang out with my friends, and to just have fun. My hope is to some day travel the world as an archeologist, and see the wonders every place has to offer.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Shitty computer deletes my work! GRRRR... oh well now I've vented. I swear its the Zombies taking over thats' why technology is starting to turn on us and think for itself.... Ok, so now I've vented.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Time Flies...

It's strange how time flies. One moment it seems as if your just graduated high school and the next your flying through college. It's been forever since I last posted something on here, I kept meaning to but every time I thought about it I either got distracted or lazy. In fact I have been extremely lazy this month and have gotten far behind in my work. It's times like this that I question whether I have the drive to stay in school, I mean I love my subject don't get me wrong, it's just sometimes I wish I could go straight into my field of work, sorta like an apprenticeship. Then I remember that in today's society we cannot get anywhere without a college degree, things would be easier if we could live lives like in books.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Ok so a little while ago I was indifferent to my roommate but I just got a call from our landlady and now I'm pissed. Pay your f***in' rent or you will be kicked out.


I realized yesterday that I have moved beyond caring about what is going on in my apartment. That I no longer care what my roommates are doing and that even if they annoy me sometimes it really doesn't matter. As long as I remain aloof it's a good because in my own little world no one can touch me, unless I let them in. I have to look out for myself that is the only way to get by in this world, sure its great to talk to people but in the end the one you have to look out for the most is yourself otherwise you'll have no way of helping others. I know this may sound a bit cruel but I don't even have care enough to care about some of the people I know. Sure I'll say oh that's sad or too bad that had to happen but I know in the back of my mind that I really don't care, but its' not like I'm annoyed either.... I'm indifferent. Maybe I'm just tired.... Tired of living up to peoples' expectations, tired of trying to be friends with people who ignore you, tired of listening to petty gossip (some of which I admit I have taken part in). Lets all start over, then maybe I can show you the real me. No guarantee you'll like it, after all I'm not some infomercial. I know you think I sound 3mo now but I don't care...I'm just releasing my mind in the only way I have left.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


So I found a new obsession and it's in the form of MLIA (MyLifeIsAverage). Some of the post there are super funny...
exhibit A: Today, I ran into one of my old professors. His office used to be in the same building as my dorm, so he used to see me randomly walking around in slippers and a housecoat. Today, he walked by me until I yelled at him for ignoring me. He turned around, looked shocked, and, in front of his class, yelled that he didn't recognize me with clothes on. MLIA
I think I like this site even better than FML (F***MyLife), if only because the post seem more real and can really happen to anyone, also a lot of the posts are more like burns and witty banter between people where as FML is sometimes just people being pathetic. Oh well, I like both but MLIA has moved to the top of my favorites.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


I have to say that I love my job. We don't have much work to do so, I can get my homework done. The downfall of that is I am now very bored at work because I have nothing to do. Hello farmville.
-Farmville is like crack for bored college students....Oh well, I say give me my crack!

Restless Night

The cool of bamboo invades my room;
moonlight from the fields fills the corners of the court;
dew gathers till it falls in drops;
a scattering of stars, now there, now gone.
A firefly threading the darkness makes its own light;
birds at rest on the water call to each other;
all these lie within the shadow of the sword-
Powerless I grieve as the clear night passes.
~Du Fu (translated by Burton Watson)

The best parts of Halloween






Tuesday, October 27, 2009

curiouser and curiouser

Ever wonder why some people just grate on your nerves all the time, even when they are being decent? Well that's how it has become with my one roommate, I think the main problem is that she is so arrogant and immature at the same time. Don't know how that is really possible but that is how it seems. Maybe if I explain her actions and attitude it may help with understanding why she annoys me so much. For one she always says that she doesn't have money like the rest of us do yet she goes out for lunch and dinner all the time (our money we get from the government in loans, she gets her money from her dear old daddy). Also when some one says something annoys them they usually come out and say it, well at least I do, but she will sit their making huffy noises or cry to her boyfriend when she thinks we cannot hear her. The thing that pisses me off the most would be that she EATS THE COMMUNITY FOOD W/O CONTRIBUTING TO IT!!! So here are me and my other roommates spending money on food for the month and she thinks that its alright to just eat it without paying for it on the occasions that she does eat at the house. So the combination of all these things has caused her roommate to absolutely despise her thus having her move on to the floor of mine and my roommates room, which may make the room a little crowded but I think its kinda fun and she doesn't bother me so it is alright for now.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I think their is something about October that just makes me miss home and I don't know why. It might be the randomness that always occurred around Halloween at school or going out to Haunted Houses and Trick or Treating I just know that I am missing home right now. Its odd this doesn't happen around Christmas or my birthday just October maybe its because Halloween is my favorite time of year so I want to spend it with my friends I know and love best. I suppose if I could smash everything together into one area I would be the happiest person in the world but life doesn't work like that so I can only hope something will come along to distract me or make me feel better.
*Quick update is that I is betters.... much better.


I know in our life times we've all had that one roommate that we all absolutely despise but can't kick out because they help pay for the rent but I really wish this one person would just find a replacement and leave. After all even she can tell we are annoyed with her. Which brings me to the point that we should all go with our first judgment when it comes to living with people and that is if you don't think its going to work out it probably isn't. However, as long as she continues to pay rent on time I there is not much we can do about it. Some times I wish I was back at home in my own room (well my actual roommate is pretty cool) with just me and my mom in the house since my sister was always out, but then I remember that it was my choice to come here and for all the annoyance that is my roommate I really do love it out here.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Don't you hate it when something seems to be going your way only to find out you've been played all along? That is sorta how I feel right now. Not that I didn't kinda see it coming, I just hoped it wouldn't. I feel the need to rant which is why I'm talking on here. Well it all started out simple enough but soon it was getting more complicated, I just didn't want to see it. Well now I'm in deep and have yet to find a way out maybe writing will help me brainstorm something.

*Well this problem was solved for the most part.... The other part I'm just being a chicken about.