About Me

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A little about me is that I enjoy playing basketball, softball, swimming, fencing, gymnastics and many other sports. I love to hang out with my friends, and to just have fun. My hope is to some day travel the world as an archeologist, and see the wonders every place has to offer.

Sunday, December 27, 2009


Shitty computer deletes my work! GRRRR... oh well now I've vented. I swear its the Zombies taking over thats' why technology is starting to turn on us and think for itself.... Ok, so now I've vented.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Time Flies...

It's strange how time flies. One moment it seems as if your just graduated high school and the next your flying through college. It's been forever since I last posted something on here, I kept meaning to but every time I thought about it I either got distracted or lazy. In fact I have been extremely lazy this month and have gotten far behind in my work. It's times like this that I question whether I have the drive to stay in school, I mean I love my subject don't get me wrong, it's just sometimes I wish I could go straight into my field of work, sorta like an apprenticeship. Then I remember that in today's society we cannot get anywhere without a college degree, things would be easier if we could live lives like in books.