About Me

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A little about me is that I enjoy playing basketball, softball, swimming, fencing, gymnastics and many other sports. I love to hang out with my friends, and to just have fun. My hope is to some day travel the world as an archeologist, and see the wonders every place has to offer.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Don't you hate it when something seems to be going your way only to find out you've been played all along? That is sorta how I feel right now. Not that I didn't kinda see it coming, I just hoped it wouldn't. I feel the need to rant which is why I'm talking on here. Well it all started out simple enough but soon it was getting more complicated, I just didn't want to see it. Well now I'm in deep and have yet to find a way out maybe writing will help me brainstorm something.

*Well this problem was solved for the most part.... The other part I'm just being a chicken about.